This is a question about how changes are integrated from Perforce to the GitHub release of UE4.
I’m running into this issue, UE-43383, which is more-or-less a blocker for my team. (There are some workaround steps documented here, but they haven’t done any good for me.)
The issue tracker page linked above indicates that the bug has been fixed, with a Fix Commit of 3505911 and a Target Fix of 4.17 — I’m assuming this means that Change 3505911 (in the Perforce depot) contains the fix, and that the next official release to include that change will be 4.17.
I’m working in 4.15 (cloned from GitHub) and I’d like to integrate this fix — i.e., I need the diff for CL 3505911. I’ve searched the full commit history for both ‘UE-43383’ and for ‘3505911’, and I haven’t found any associated commit in the GitHub repo. I also manually looked through commits (in various branches) around the Resolved date noted in the issue tracker — no dice.
Has this change not been integrated to any branch on GitHub yet?
Hi Alex,
This is a bit of a strange one. I think someone entered the wrong CL on that ticket when it was closed out, because CL 3505911 does not show me anything in Perforce. I think the CL you want is 3467666, but I have not had a to test it yet. I’ll see if I can run some tests around that CL tomorrow and see if that is the right one.
Thanks, ! I’d really appreciate that. I’m not sure that the CL you linked is the fix I’m looking for – the instance of UE-43383 that I’m seeing is in 4.15 (after disabling SteamVR), whereas UE-45526 is reportedly a new bug in 4.16 that didn’t occur in 4.15. I tried pulling that change into my project, but GearVRControllerComponent.cpp
doesn’t exist in 4.15, and it seems the GearVR plugin (as it exists in 4.15) doesn’t contain a StaticLoadObject call for that mesh in any source file.
Hey — any luck in tracking down the change that fixed this issue? Even in a completely clean workspace, my standalone builds still fail to launch with Missing global shader FPixelShaderDeclaration, Please make sure cooking was successful.
Consistent with what you’ve reported, it appears this issue is indeed not fixed. has reproduced the issue in 4.17 and has reopened the issue, as discussed here: Fatal error: [File:D:\Build\++UE4+Release-4.15+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\GlobalShader.cpp] [Line: 353] Missing global shader FPixelShaderDeclaration, Please make sure cooking was successful. - Rendering - Epic Developer Community Forums
A fix for this issue (or any workarounds) would be greatly appreciated. For projects that require specific configuration of VR plugins (i.e. most any VR game), it’s a blocker preventing the standalone game from being run at all on Windows.
Hi Alex,
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this. I checked the status of this ticket, and while it has been re-opened it is currently backlogged. I am not sure when this will be resolved, and unfortunately I am unaware of a workaround for the issue.