Old built data from a renamed map caused Ensure condition failed: IsObjectValidForDatabase(AssetObject)

This error happened right after hitting PIE in a map.

Ensure condition failed: IsObjectValidForDatabase(AssetObject)

After throwing a debug point on BlueprintActionDatabase.cpp] [Line: 1315] I found that it had to do with an old map_BuiltData.uasset that was still there after renaming a map and that deleting it fixed this error. However, I’m not sure if the renaming behavior/this situation should occur. Since I think I’ve figured out the cause, I thought I’d put it up here anyway.

[2017.08.30-17.59.19:085][362]LogOutputDevice: Error: === Handled ensure: ===
[2017.08.30-17.59.19:085][362]LogOutputDevice: Error:
[2017.08.30-17.59.19:085][362]LogOutputDevice: Error: Ensure condition failed: IsObjectValidForDatabase(AssetObject) [File:D:\Build++UE4+Release-4.17+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Editor\BlueprintGraph\Private\BlueprintActionDatabase.cpp] [Line: 1315]
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