I recently built an in-game compass for use in my project. The compass works perfectly on my system. My team and I use Perforce server. I submitted the compass and all the changes related to the compass and the third Person Character to perforce and they were downloaded by one other team member. Unfortunately, he is unable to see the compass on his system as I see it on mine. I’ve remoted into his system, the blueprint and the altered ThirdpersonCharacter are present on his system. I’ve verified that his World settings match mine. The compass still does not work on his system. I’m at a loss.
Aside from the World Settings and provided all the files are identical between his system and mine, where else could the problem be?
This post was only posted for 12 hours before you bumped it… Make sure that he has not only synced his files within UE4, but the config files as well, which UE4 does not submit.
Thanks. I understand the bump was a little early and apologize. I’m getting a few emails every few hours trying to get to the bottom of this and I’ve reached the limit of my current understanding.
I had thought by Sync’ing the ThirdPersonCharacter and the ThirdPersonGameMode I would be getting the required config files? Apparently my understanding is off, please relate (or link to) which config files I’ve neglected.
I’m not sure what your process is to submit files via Perforce, but AFAIK UE4 does not submit any of the config files in the config folder, those include project settings, defaults, etc… Perhaps one of the defaults has not been synced, and that is the reason behind this issue.
Unfortunately sync’ing the CONFIG folder didn’t help either. Anyone have any other places to look/adjust that could could be preventing this BP from being seen?
Its an in-game dynamic directional designator…a compass. A 1-2 letter box that appears in the upper left corner that changes depending on which way your looking.
Where do you spawn the actor at? I suggest that you start trying typical debugging methods (breakpoints, etc.) in that area, you might also want to have another team member test it on their machine, as it could be a bug.
Well, thats the thing…it works fine for me regardless of where I spawn. It will not show up for another team member even though he has all of the files and his world setting and CONFIG are up-to-date. Since its “always-on”
I’m not really sure how breakpoints will be implemented to trace the issue.