So I’ve been stepping through the Oculus subsystem, trying to get it up and running. I’ve set breakpoints in the CreateSession flow and followed it through to the OnCreateSessionCompleted callback which returns true for success. I set the session with the ID of the quickmatch Pool I created on the Oculus developer site.
FindSessions is not implemented in the Oculus subsystem, so I make a call to StartMatchmaking. The OnMatchmakingCompleted callback returns with success. However, the SearchResults for the FOnlineSessionSearch struct is always empty. When using Steam, this object comes back with updated details.
Have I forgotten to configure something with the pool on the website? Am I missing a flag in the create session? Am I suppose to make another call after StartMatchmaking? There’s not a whole lot of info out there, so any tips would be helpful.
UPDATE: My breakpoint on OnMatchmakingNotificationMatchFound is never hit. This function sets the search state to done, adds the search results, and triggers the callbacks. This is what I want. But my callbacks are being triggered by the lambda in StartMatchmaking.