Object velocity dependent camera switching/blending


I created three different camera views set i switch to every time an upon physics active actor moves through 3 different trigger volumes
via the ‘Set view target with blend’ function.
The problem hereby is that the actor that moves through space and triggers has always different velocities which makes
smooth camera switching impossible since the blending times in that function are static values.
So my question would be, how can i make a velocity dependent camera blending function?

So i tried to build the velocity depended function. Without success.
Perhaps you have a look at it?
I created a new var named Speedvar ,connected it via a getvelocitycomponent and then substract the x value withthe speed var which i set to one.

This one looks a bit better. Still nothing.
Anything fundamental that i do wrong?
I calculate the vector length, because this would actually give me the speed.

haha. Solved it. :cool:
Measured the max achievable velocity on an overlap event. Sth like max 5000 cm/s then , set 6000 as new speedvar. Substract get velocity /vector length, then multiply by 0.0001 in order to get a 0.1 decimal for the Set view target.