ERROR: Exception in UnrealBuildTool: ERROR: cmd.exe failed with args /c “C://apache-ant-1.8.2/bin/ant.bat” debug
Which is a very common error message and could be caused by many things, some outside of the Engine. [Here is another AnswerHub thread with many different things you can check to see what might be causing the error.][1]
Yep, there is. Are you trying to package for shipping? You might not have your signing key set up correctly. Please see the list on the above linked thread and try item 3, setting up your Play keystore.
Are you able to package anything, such as Tappy Chicken from the Launcher learn tab?
An Android Developer and I looked over your . There is a line that says “Java.exe” is not recognized as an internal or external command. What this means is that you’re missing ‘JAVA_HOME’ in the [Environment Variables][1].
Please update the variable and you should no longer run into complications, thanks!
Please delete the following folders from your project folder: Intermediate/Android, Saved and Build/Android/SRC. Once you’ve done that, you can go ahead and repackage your project and hopefully no additional errors will take place.
When i launch to my phone from editor it builds successfully but opens the app as a blank screen and does nothing, but when I package it properly from the ‘Package Project’ menu it works properly.
This probably has something to do with how the launcher only loads the minimum to get the current map running, its not a big issue, but if there’s a quick fix for this it would be nice to know.