Non-informative compiler error when using uint32 as return type for BlueprintImplementableEvent

When setting return type of a BlueprintImplementableEvent to uint32, following error is thrown:

1>LogWindows : error : Windows GetLastError:  operation completed successfully. (0)

1>Error : Failed to generate code for ReboundEditor - error code: CrashOrAssert (3)

A more informative error message would be great for types that aren’t supported for BlueprintImplementableEvents

Hi Wraiyth,

Currently, uint32 is not supported in Blueprints, as reported here:

Blueprints can edit variables of type int32, uint8, and float. All others can be seen by Blueprint but not edited outside of code. A BlueprintImplementableEvent won’t be able to return uint32.

Hope that helps!

Hey ,

Yeah, after trying this I realized that uint32 isn’t supported - however my concern was more fact that error message produced was totally uninformative so it took a bit to figure out exactly what was going on. For anyone who doesn’t realize unsupported types, it definitely doesn’t point them in right direction!

Ah, okay. I’ve gone ahead and entered a feature request for a more specific error in this circumstance (UE-14163). Thanks for feedback!