NewObject a BP_A to UBlueprint , but the BP_A Compiler cause the ObjectPtr become null

NewObject a BP_A to UBlueprint , but the BP_A Compiler cause the ObjectPtr become null? How can i solve it?

Did you check inside that blueprint? When I upgraded from 5.1 to 5.3.2 a lot of new things populated inside some of my blueprints as well as some objects became null. First, maybe check if you actually need the object and just delete it if not. Second, try compiling that blueprint and see what the errors are and see if you need those. Third, I had to clean and rebuild a few things to get my project working again.

I use FCoreUObjectDelegates::OnObjectsReplaced to fix the problem, because the bp compiler cause reinstance, the point make loss, but the delegate can catch it to keep.

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