Reporting a crash when using Blueprint diff on a particular file. It crashed in GenerateTreeEntries() in SBlueprintDiff.cpp because NewBlueprint->SkeletonGeneratedClass was null. It was when accidentally diffing a revision from an “automated fixing redirectors” check-in. I don’t know if that’s enough to reproduce this without the particular file in question but I added a NewBlueprint->SkeletonGeneratedClass null check and that seemed sufficient to avoid the crash.
We’ve made a switch to a new bug reporting method using a more structured form. Please visit the link below for more details and report the issue using the new Bug Submission Form. Feel free to continue to use this thread for community discussion around the issue.
I don’t have a way to repro the bug from a clean project which appears to be marked as a required field. Does it still make sense to use the bug form in this case? I suppose I fill one one out for now just in case.
I would also appreciate if replies were more timely. The longer the reply, the more difficult it can be to find the requested bug information.