New to Unreal Engine, no assets with it?

Hi, as in title i’m new to Unreal Eninge, i’m trying to learn it but it seems a very lengthy and complicated process because there are no assets for me to get started with, apart from a couple of walls, some doors a rock and some textures there is literally nothing.
So before i can even get started on learning the engine i have to make all the assets first.

Ok so one might argue why should UE provide a catalogue of assets even if basic? Well, Cryengine do provide a wealth of basic assets with the engine and in a short time i learnt a lot about the engine making my own map/levels with them.

I do have some assets that i made myself but nothing like enough and Unreal Engine is lacking the most basic yet complex things, like Water Volums and an Ocean.

I have no idea how to make things like that from scratch for Unreal Engine and Youtube seems pretty scarce on tutorials for such things.

Would someone be kind enough to point me to some free assets or good tutorials on how to make them from scratch?

Thanks :slight_smile:

In the launcher there’s some free assets in the marketplace along with a bunch of free stuff from Epic in the Learn section

From the Epic Game Launcher, under the Unreal Engine tab, click on the Learn & Marketplace options.
There are several free/example assets provided there, including basic animations, templates etc.

You can also look :

Thanks for the replies :slight_smile:

Can someone tell me what they are? i have trawled through the lot (not an easy task) and there are no Water Volumes or Oceans that i can see, the only free things i could find are a couple of tech demos and none of them appear to have any water in them.

Oh, I thought this was in that forum I linked. Guess not: [Community Project] WIP Weather & Water Shader - Game Development - Epic Developer Community Forums

Thank you :slight_smile: