New to photogrammetry - 3d scanner related question

I haven’t bought the software yet. I work in a technical office in Greece and we want to buy a Faro Focus x130 3d laser scanner. What I want to ask is: Does CR have a feature to import a Faro Scene aligned Faro Dense point Cloud and create a mesh from it?
It is OK if photographs are needed too, but it would be a shame if a phenomenal fast and with high precision software like CaptureReality doesn’t support importing a dense colored cloud from a 3d scanner.

Thank you and I’m sorry for my bad English.

You can see that there are users who use Faro Focus scanners with RC, when you search the forum. I suggest trying the Demo first.

Thank you.

Hi Thanasis Davlouros
Yes, it’s a fully working way with exporting Faro Scene data in the PTX or E57 file format. From Faro Scene, we highly recommend you to use the E57 file format because of its speedy export compared to the PTX.

One last question. Does alignment of the scanner locations need to be done in Faro Scene or the point cloud can be aligned in Reality Capture automatically straight from the Faro Focus SD card?

Hi Thanasis Davlouros

For now not, as it‘s RAW data and it needs to be prepared in the Faro scene first ( first load processing, coloring ) and registration.
But if you „do“ proper dense station positions + good scan resolution, then the registration can be eventually done directly in RC…
But for now we recommend you to do all the processing in the Faro scene first…

Thank you very much! Excellent response! Maybe a feature in the forums where you can thank a poster is needed. :sunglasses:
I ll download the demo until our Faro shipment is over, so that I can familiarize with software, and after that an instant buy of RC CLI is on the track!