Okay so I am currently developing a fire department game. I am trying to create a semi realistic fire hose water stream, I have a particle system already. I would like to be able to have a constant stream of the particles while at the same time allowing me to apply damage, I already know that I need to put a collision box around the particles, and have when actor begin over to cause damage. What I can’t figure out is the following things
1-how to set the system up, and if it should be line trace or projectile based
2-How to have it so I can turn on the stream w/ damage, and get a constant flow of particles until stream is turned off
3-How to get the stream to constantly update its position so when the stream can follow the cursor (I know this involves a vector system but have no idea how to add it.)
Does anyone know any decent tutorials to show me how to accomplish this? Even a flamethrower tutorial would be helpful because I could just switch out the particle systems. Basically I want to achieve something like this- UE4 Destruction - Flamethrower - YouTube
I would also like it to be in the form of blueprints because I know next to nothing about C++, thank you!
Create a water hose blueprint, add projectile component (tweak component values) and a collision sphere. Add a particle emitter with your water effect.
Add to your character the front nozzle water hose mesh, add a socket to the mesh where you want to spawn the water particle effect.
On your character blueprint add the input left mouse button node, when pressed spawn actor of class water hose blueprint, transform the actor location and rotation, derived from the water hose nozzle, maybe add an offset to avoid collision with the hose bp collision sphere.
Water hose blueprint
Add a branch check on the spheres OnComponentBeginOverlap event. Here on that event you want to add another spawn actor of class, this time create another blueprint, but just with a water splash effect. Then add the ApplyDamage node, and or Destroy Actor node, to remove the water after it came in contact with a static mesh surface.
Destructible meshes
Pick your static mesh structures you want to hose, right click them and create destructible mesh. In the setting enable impact damage.
However, the difference in your scenario would be to have no or little damage with the hose water, but adding damage to the propagating fire actors. Thus, the logic for your propagating fire should be similar, with randoming spawning, on nearby meshes.