A Few Things Before I Get Started Here:
Age requirements: (Under 25)
(Might Lose A LOT of people here) Pay:(Money Is Guaranteed After Project Gets on it’s feet)
Target Audience:[People who aren’t in it for money(Basically just something to do as a hobby)]
(To Those Still Interested): Hello my name is Hezekiah and I am looking to hire people to work with me and a few people I’ve gathered to work with this project we are working on. I’ve been programming since 2011 and my plan is to make a game I’ve had thoughts of for years now. What we are looking for: 6 people who can do 512x512 textures, 6 people who are experienced in programming with Unreal Script (A programming language built for udk, very very similar to c++), and 6 people who can do complex animations. I’m Just a Game Designer looking for programmers and artists to work with. I am busy and I probably won’t remember to check this website so go ahead and Email me at hezekiah1163@gmail.com if you want information or want to work with us. I hope to have this project started sometime after June of this year, and basically that’s it. Thank you for time and I hope this goes well.