Need help with Swimmable Water Volume Tutorial

I’m following the Swimmable Water Volume Tutorial (https://wiki.unrealengine/Swimmable_Water_Volume_Tutorial). Under ‘Blueprint Set-Up’, it says to go to the MyCharacter blueprint and set the character’s buoyancy.

I created a new project with the Third Person Blueprint template. I don’t have a MyCharacter blueprint but I do have a ThirdPersonCharacter blueprint within the World Outliner. In the ThirdPersonCharacter blueprint, there is not a section named Character Movement with a Buoyancy setting.

How do I set Buoyancy for ThirdPersonCharacter?

Also, are there additional instructions somewhere to set up the Post Process Volume to make it look like the tutorial picture?


You will have to go into the thirdpersoncharacter bp - there select the movement component (left side in the list) - change the settings :slight_smile:

Ok thanks. Found it.