Need help with dark scene problem Help

im working on clouds so i made a new project and worked on clouds on that project but when i tried to import the clouds to my main project i noticed that the scenes were completely different. Both are night and day example level but 2 different projects. the main project is very dark and the other is visible and light. Also the clouds in the main project are grey and the other project they are white. Was wondering if anyone know whats causing this, Got no idea how to fix this. Thanks



Could it be that it’s just your postprocess/exposure setting? …in photoshop I could bring it back to the normal look…

it could be, i will check

do you mean in the project settings or the visual component. because i dont have a post process volume in that level, so idk whats causing it or what settings that is messed up

EDIT: it was not the light index. When I changed the lux to 5 again it became dark again. So idk whats causing it. Its fine in the other projects