Need help with critical packaging crash

I’m cross posting this from an answerhub question because I seem to have more luck with responses here than there:

Anyway, my issue is I can run the game fine from editor (both PIE and standalone) and my team and myself included used to be able to successfully make packaged builds before, but ever since we’ve moved to 4.7 we’re now unable to cook builds without failing.

I get the following error every time during cook for one my custom classes:
Assertion failed: BlueprintObj->GeneratedClass [File:C:\UnrealEngine-4.7.2-release\Engine\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Private\Kismet2\Kismet2.cpp] [Line: 896]
Invalid generated class for Overlay_BattleStationSelect

This is strange to me, because we were able to cook builds before, and the game runs perfectly fine from the editor.

Does anyone have any ideas what this may be about?
Is there anything I could try cleaning or something I don’t know about? (I’m already doing full clean builds when I try this)

I also tried recreating that individual asset and the brand new one would error out as well.

Thanks (cook log is attached)

Have you tried renaming to without the _? Definitely a strange issue.

Has that been known to cause any issues? We definitely have a lot of Bps names like that, and we never had any issues packaging them before.
I’ll try anything at this point though, definitely stumped.

Yeah it’s most likely not the issue. Sorry couldn’t find many relevant resources yet. So the section with issues is:

[2015.04.02-05.46.23:411]  0]LogBlueprint:Warning: Function '/Game/Blueprints/FlyingGameMode.FlyingGameMode_C:ExecuteUbergraph_FlyingGameMode' is not ready to create frame for '/Game/Blueprints/FlyingGameMode.Default__FlyingGameMode_C'
[2015.04.02-05.46.23:433]  0]LogBlueprint:Warning: Function '/Game/Blueprints/MiniMap/3dMap.3dMap_C:ExecuteUbergraph_3dMap' is not ready to create frame for '/Game/Blueprints/MiniMap/3dMap.Default__3dMap_C'
[2015.04.02-05.46.24:635]  0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateImport: Object 'MiningMiniGameDone__DelegateSignature' isn't imported, because its outer is a placeholder. Archive: '../../../../Nebraska/Content/MiningMiniGame/MiningMiniGame.uasset'
[2015.04.02-05.46.24:819]  0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateImport: Object 'ShipShieldHitTest__DelegateSignature' isn't imported, because its outer is a placeholder. Archive: '../../../../Nebraska/Content/Blueprints/ShieldCapsule.uasset'
[2015.04.02-05.46.25:461]  0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateImport: Object 'NoButtonDispatch__DelegateSignature' isn't imported, because its outer is a placeholder. Archive: '../../../../Nebraska/Content/Blueprints/PlanetExplorationDecisions/PlanetDecisionBasic.uasset'
[2015.04.02-05.46.25:462]  0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateImport: Object 'YesButtonDispatch__DelegateSignature' isn't imported, because its outer is a placeholder. Archive: '../../../../Nebraska/Content/Blueprints/PlanetExplorationDecisions/PlanetDecisionBasic.uasset'
[2015.04.02-05.46.25:824]  0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateImport: Object 'MenuExitEndPreBattle__DelegateSignature' isn't imported, because its outer is a placeholder. Archive: '../../../../Nebraska/Content/Blueprints/ShipToShip/enemy_fodder.uasset'
[2015.04.02-05.46.25:824]  0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateImport: Object 'BeginPreBattleCountdown__DelegateSignature' isn't imported, because its outer is a placeholder. Archive: '../../../../Nebraska/Content/Blueprints/ShipToShip/enemy_fodder.uasset'
[2015.04.02-05.46.26:361]  0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateImport: Object 'MenuExitEndPreBattle__DelegateSignature' isn't imported, because its outer is a placeholder. Archive: '../../../../Nebraska/Content/Blueprints/ShipToShip/enemy_large.uasset'
[2015.04.02-05.46.26:603]  0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateImport: Object 'MenuExitEndPreBattle__DelegateSignature' isn't imported, because its outer is a placeholder. Archive: '../../../../Nebraska/Content/Blueprints/ShipToShip/enemy_mid.uasset'
[2015.04.02-05.46.26:785]  0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateImport: Object 'CombatCompletedDistpatch__DelegateSignature' isn't imported, because its outer is a placeholder. Archive: '../../../../Nebraska/Content/Blueprints/FlyingGameMode.uasset'
[2015.04.02-05.46.32:837]  0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateImport: Object 'TileThreatLevelChange__DelegateSignature' isn't imported, because its outer is a placeholder. Archive: '../../../../Nebraska/Content/Blueprints/MiniMap/3dMap.uasset'
[2015.04.02-05.46.32:837]  0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateImport: Object 'PlayerInNewTileDispatch__DelegateSignature' isn't imported, because its outer is a placeholder. Archive: '../../../../Nebraska/Content/Blueprints/MiniMap/3dMap.uasset'
[2015.04.02-05.46.33:647]  0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateImport: Object 'AddOnetoTimesMined__DelegateSignature' isn't imported, because its outer is a placeholder. Archive: '../../../../Nebraska/Content/Meshes/Planets/PlanetBaseClass.uasset'
[2015.04.02-05.46.33:647]  0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateImport: Object 'DockOnPlanet__DelegateSignature' isn't imported, because its outer is a placeholder. Archive: '../../../../Nebraska/Content/Meshes/Planets/PlanetBaseClass.uasset'
[2015.04.02-05.46.37:655]  0]LogBlueprint:Warning: RefreshAllNodes called on incompletly loaded blueprint 'Blueprint /Game/Blueprints/captains_chair/Overlay_BattleStationSelect.Overlay_BattleStationSelect'

because its outer is a placeholder

RefreshAllNodes called on incompletly loaded blueprint

I’m pulling down a fresh 4.7.4 to test. I was on a modified 4.7.2, I’ll see if this helps me able to create packages again.

Thanks for those links, My event dispatchers are giving the “outer is placeholder” warnings (I’ll have to dig into it), but they don’t seem to be responsible for the crash (not to mention they all work correctly in game.)

yep, turns out just pulling down latest did the trick for me!