Need help with a Texture problem

Ok so I am having trouble getting the texture on the back of this chair to work. I got all the other textures to work except this one. I downloaded this chair from a post and the text file to

get the back of the chair working says this “Use T-ChairBack-Nrm as a basic texture for the back of the chair - it has a mask in the alpha channel.” Anyways I could really use some help!

Thanks so much for your time! :slight_smile: Heres the link to the chair, its near the bottom.

Also I’m new to forums.

Normal map compression removes everything except the red and green channels. Take the alpha out of the normal map and either have it as a separate grayscale image or put it in a texture that doesn’t already have anything in its alpha channel.

How would I go about doing that? Sorry, I’m kinda new to unreal engine :expressionless:

This is what it ends up looking like. I can put the texture on the front of the chair but not the back. It will not show up f79e207aec5489a788217fb359c5cf5f08039084.jpeg

Turn off compression for the textures and use them “raw”