I’ve been struggling with this issue for the past week. Any edge further than a few feet from the player (especially these ones like on the sidewalks) like to dance back and forth (shimmer) whenever I test through VR. Using Quest 3 (also tested with Quest 2). Settings:
Forward Renderer
Instanced Stereo (On)
Changed Decal Response (DBuffer) to Normal Roughness in relevant materials
Set the MipValueMode in the materials (on the BaseColor and the Normal Map Texture Samples) to MipBias (relative to the computed mip level) with a scalar param set to -2
Basically looks the same. From what I understand (and correct me if I’m wrong) is that setting the MipBias changes the distances the MipMap levels change. At least thats how it seems.
Well you’re partly right, yes it biases the mip selection but mip selection is not based on distance but rather the texture resolution and how quickly the texture coordinates are changing.
Typically, using a negative bias will introduce aliasing as it is trying to select a higher resolution mip than is appropriate for the view.
In your case, if setting the bias to 0 doesn’t resolve it then I’m not sure what the issue could be, as your geometry looks too simple to be introducing any aliasing of its own.
Is the sidewalk grid part of the texture or is it procedurally generated? If it’s part of the texture, the mipmapping should be blurring it. If it’s not, go into the texture asset and ensure it’s actually using mipmapping at all.
If the grid is procedural, you will need to antialias it yourself in the material graph.
Here is an image of the sidewalk after setting it to 0. It def blurred it a bit. Any suggestions on getting it any better? In VR it still very noticeable.
If you need to see inside any of the MFs let me know.
But yeah you were right about setting it to 0 helped out. The reason it didnt help that much when you asked earlier on is I forgot to set it to 0 in the MI, the MI was still set to -2 while I had set the Scalar param directly in the master material to 0 (didnt think about it not changing it in edited MI’s)
Thanks for all of your help from both of you so far.
Side question: Not sure if this is related to the same issue or not but on the very edges of the Quest 3’s screens (the peripherals) Items seem to kind of pop to a dark color or disappear completely (guessing this has something to do with the forward rendering) Is there somewhere that I can give it a bit more of a buffer zone before it starts to “de-render” items?
Quick edit: this material (the one linked above) has a Dirt mask (the green moss looking area on the cracks of the sidwalk) I think that is causing the Aliasing because its created through the material… just I just gotta figure out how to fix that lol (for now ill just remove the moss)
Not sure how to mark both of you as the solution because you were both right. It was the MipBias AND the material has generated parts that are introducing Aliasing.