Need assistance with creating an interconnected sphere model

Hello everyone,

I hope someone can help me. I have really no idea where to start because I’m totally new to Blueprinting stuff in Unreal. Please be patient with me!

What I’m trying to do:

I want to create a system of spheres within a circle with relation to each other. (see the picture)

Must have:

  • Softly moving spheres (x;y;z axis)
  • the complete “model” is rotating and moving slowly
  • ​​The spheres have relations to each other indicated with lines attached to each other and the same color
  • Parent spheres are always bigger then the children
  • Gather a group of spheres of the same type in a certain area

Should have:

  • dynamically change the amount of spheres
  • dynamically change the color
  • switch the lines on/off

Nice to have:

  • interactions with the system in VR

Just to be clear. I don’t want that YOU are doing the stuff for me!
What I need is a direction to go. A link or a theme where I should do research. Or a topic in the documentation. Anythings helps!!!