Hey, I just created a Sprint Input in the Character Blueprint. So if the player presses the Sprint Key, the Max Walk Speed will set higher and the variable “isRunning” from the Animation Blueprint should be set to true. But I need a target and I dont know, what the target is… Thanks for your answers!
You will want to get the anim bp from your skeletal mesh on begin play then store that reference in a variable, That will be the target you set isRunning on.
Thank you!
But probably I did something wrong…
I just recreated your picture but if I want to connect a variable (Mesh, Return Value, As Anim Blueprint, I tried all) it says: “Skeletal Mesh Component Object Reference is not compatible with Anim Blueprint Object Reference”
If I have checked “Context Sensitive” it wont show up anything.
Drag off that as Anim Blueprint output and search for is running
Are you casting to the correct anim blueprint?
Yes, Its the right