Navigation Mesh Oddities (possibly bugs)

So one thing that maybe could be considered a bug is mesh generation doesn’t respect walkable slope override settings in the static mesh, but I wanted to double check if there’s some limitation before filing it as a bug.

I also filed a bug for an editor crash when I change the navmesh walkable slope settings.

Also here’s a screenshot of some issues I’ve been seeing in the navmesh after running the game with show Navigation and show Collision console commands. I have a stairs object that is angled at 45 degrees. I made the navmesh walkable slope go from 44 to 45 so it can create the navmesh for these slopes, but it creates some strange artifacts in the navmesh. The blue lines show the simple collision geometry that is walkable for the static mesh of the stairs. I’m wondering if I should file this as a bug as well or maybe it’s a limitation and I can try something to improve the generated navmeshes on these objects. My FPS character that I control can walk up and down this stairs smooth as butter.