Native deferred attachment help with custom components

I am trying to follow A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements and Releases - Unreal Engine Forums,Making_Native%26_Deferred_Attached_to_Socket in order to attach some custom components I have written to their sockets.

UVRItemAcceptor inherits UVRInteractionComponent which inherits USkeletalMeshComponent.

From the headers of my components

class UVRItemAcceptor : public UVRInteractionComponent

class UVRInteractionComponent : public USkeletalMeshComponent

In my VRCharacter.h

UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, Category = "Inventory Components")
		TSubobjectPtr<UVRItemAcceptor*> Chest1;


Should be

UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, Category = "Inventory Components")
		TSubobjectPtr<UVRItemAcceptor> Chest1;

In my VRCharacter.cpp

Chest1 = PCIP.CreateDefaultSubobject<UVRItemAcceptor>(this, TEXT("Chest1"));
Chest1->AttachParent = Mesh;
Chest1->AttachSocketName = FName(TEXT("Chest1_Socket"));

The last 2 lines have red squiggly under Chest1 and claim expression must have a pointer to class type. Does anyone know why this is? Have I messed up something when making my new component types?

Did you include your header file for your component so that your character class knows about it?

#include "VRItemAcceptor.h"
//your character .h generated below

