EDIT: maybe it has to do with updating the overlap check. How to solve this in blueprints? There is no begin overlap event, because its spawned inside, so there is no bollean variable to set, becaus the collsion does not happen.
Just a quick outline of the problem:
i have an on runtime movable actor, use that actor location to spawn an actor from a different class at runtime, now i want to destoy it again, so i use “get overlapping actors”, make a “foreachloop”, and run a “destroy actor” in the loop on the items of the array.
Now the wierd stuff happens: if i try to delete the actors after i spawned them without anything happing in between, the array is empty, so no destroy happens because they didn’t recognize an overlap and the freshly spawned actor stays in the game. But when i move that first movabel actor, from which i took the location, outside the overlap, and back into the overlap again, the overlap is recognized an the destroy does its work.
the question: is there a default, that on runtime spawned actors have no collision detection until they ( or in this case: the other actor) move and trigger the overlap again?
I have CCD (constand collision detection) enable on both of them, also enable collision, of course, and OverlapAll as detection profil. I also tried ,as a test, with all checkboxes checked in the collision panel, but this also didn’t work.
Im new to UE4 and searched this site for a couple of hours to solve it. nobody reported that problem before, so it must be a very basic and known-to-all problem, so just tell me how to handle collision right on spawn. =)
Looks like it was in a tutorial that i somehow skipped.
Thank you very much for your help and time! If you need any further and detailed information, i post screenshots or a video of the problem.