It looks fabulous. You may want to tweak the flashlight a little though. Maybe use an IES texture for it and add a little bit of bounce to it with a Spring Arm component. Other than that, it looks great!
Looking for art direction? Fair waring: i wont hold back.
Needs more details. Things still look rough and very “first draft”. More clutter! More noise! Things still look very “generated” and unnatural.
The structures just feel like boxes. They dont look “lived in”. Real life is messier. Real life has more depth. Where does the dude eat? Sleep? Take a sh*t? Is he such a neat freak that he never even left a single thing out of place?
You probably want more species of fauna in there.
The environment is as involved in telling the story as the sequence of events. Signs of a struggle? Marks left behind by the apprentice practicing his magic? Pictures tell a tousand words. A finely crafted scene ten thousand. The mystery isnt a guy running around a scene looking for a key. Its the scene itself telling you to go find that key and why.