I primarily use TM for archviz, but recently I was tasked with rendering a wall light. And though my experience was mostly smooth, I thing there are still many aspects to be improved. So I wanted to share my thoughts and see other users opinions on the mater.
1) Bug report : Inability to copy and paste textures from integrated sketchfab and megascan sources. Though this is a known issue and TM devteam are aware of it, I have encountered more troubles with It. When I tried to create SS material using megascans stone texture, I tried to find a workaround for said bug and pasted another texture on a material, where MS texture was implemented. But after that something went wrong and I couldn't drag and drop aforementioned stone material anymore, instead of stone it looked base white. Sadly I forgot to enable a tiled rendering feature and my TM crashed and didn't save that file, so I can't share it with the devteam. (After relaunching TM material got fixed)
2) Dirt/stains decals - Most TM decals are building/architecture themed and while doing product viz I felt some decals like dust, finger prints scratches, imperfections are missing . Additionally I want to mention that decals on glass materials would be very welcomed.
3) Panel-lining decals - I think it would be nice to see a sub-library for decals dedicated to simulating a connection between panels or tiles like some sort of slits. They would also be useful in creating custom tiled materials, though I understand it wouldn't be a perfect solution.
4) Gismo turning angle - Can we please have an ability to turn things with more precision using measures that are smaller than 1 degree.
5) More grunge options - Grunge is incredibly useful feature, I just wish we could independently scale it and offset it, maybe even have different versions of it more catered to a specific type of material like metallic grunge, concrete grunge et cetera.
6) More light shapes and features - Most notably I'm talking about addition of ring, circle and godrayish shaped lights , but also, potentially adding ability to appoint multiple colours to areas of the light, to produce smooth color transition and creative lighting solutions.
Here are my results so far, critique is always welcomed, mind you this was done without PT edit: spelling and clarification