I’m trying to create a 3D side scroller game for my University project (I’m very new to all of this). I started on a blank project and added in the character and it’s animations. My issue is that when I push ‘A’ the character doesn’t face left. The character instead keeps on facing right and then does the running animation but backwards. Essentially he is moon walking left across the floor. When I push ‘D’ he moves normally. I’ve tried ticking the Orient rotation to movement in the Character Movement section but that just wobbles the camera when I move.
In Project Settings > Input… I have Axis Mapping ‘A’ -1 and ‘D’ 1.
In the Character BluePrint > Event Graph I have the Axis Move linked up to Add movement input which is set to x-0 y-1 z-0.
I’m using the AnimStarterPack from the store which has the animations of carrying guns. I’ve added the Idle Rifle and the Jog Rifle animation to a Blend Space. Idle is on the bottom middle and Jog is on the top middle.
Both Idle and Jog work correctly, it’s just my character/actor wont turn left when I push ‘A’. I have a feeling I need to add something to the Event Graph in the Character_BP but I’m not sure.
Hope you can help!