Multiselection and movement in UEFN desyncs Live edit

Reference ID


Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?

Live Edit


By multiselecting and moving 3 CP_Apollo_Tinfoil_Light_03_C6 Ligths, Live edit symbol in UEFN becomes yellow, but still stays green in Live edit. Not sure if its a desync, but I cant risk since Live edit decides to revert progress randomly in that state, so if simple actions like this cause a desync, I legit have to wait 5 mins after doing most actions in level design, instead of actually working on the map.

Steps to Reproduce

Place a CP_Apollo_Tinfoil_Light_03_C6 and tweak its spotlight settings
Duplicate it
Launch live edit
In UEFN, duplicate them again and move them

Expected Result

Live edit stays up to date

Observed Result

live edit desyncs

