Multiple actors in a class

Hi all,
I want to make a door. I want to Open it when I press any key. And I want to change its material also.

I have 3 actors in a blueprint Class. It’s a Door, handle, and a Dummy cube (using for Pivot Point because I want to open this when I Press a Button).
Opening the door is working. But I don’t understand how to change the material of the door (not the handle)

I have used " Get All Actors of class" but don’t know how to get the door from the data I am getting from the “Get All Actors of class” and change its material.

I have 3 actors in a blueprint Class. It’s a Door, handle, and a Dummy cube (using for Pivot Point because I want to open this when I Press a Button).

This should be 1 actor. Start there! And you absolutely do not need Get All nodes for this. You’re probably after something closer to this:

You can offset the door mesh to create a hinge since we have a default scene root to work with. And you can click on the door mesh or the knob mesh, of course.

To make it work with a widget, create an event dispatcher in the widget sending what is needed:

The door actor can then:

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