Multiplayer Testing Problem

hey guys,

I have set up several Multiplayer BPs including a Main Menu, Widgets and a GameInstance and everything seems to work fine when I’m packaging the project and Playtest it. (all Clients can host a game, search for servers and join them). However when i test this in the editor it always crashes when I’m trying it. (The Server as well as the clients can host and find servers, but whenever a Client wants to join an existing Server it crashes)

I know there are some bugs and problems when testing MP in the editor, therefor I would like to know if there is a possibility to test my game outside the Editor without packaging the game?

Or has anybody a clue why Clients can’t join existing Servers?

I hope you are not confused and know what I mean :slight_smile:

Right click your *.uproject file and click Launch game for every instance of the game you want to start.

Thanks <3<3<3<3<3<3