Multiplayer [Session] Joining a session joins the wrong level but continues replication?

After 3 hours of following This tutorial when i attempt to join the host’s game it joins it but the issue comes when it loads in its just spawning on the main menu level and its still replicating both ways from the main menu and the playing level… Not to sure how exactly I should be asking this since its blueprints and… lots of them but if anyone would have any idea where this problem would come in I would appreciate at it tons.

[problem 2]
When I try and search for servers on a executable file (after packaged) it doesn’t find any even if i run a host in UDK as a dedicated server…

I had run into this as well. trying to remember the solution…
I think this happens when you mix up your host and client windows in the editor. so for example, if you run the editor with 2 players, make sure player 1 is the host. from what i recall this wasn’t an issue with actual network testing, but in the editor it causes some glitches. another thing to check would be to make sure your ‘destroy session’ is called appropriately when transitioning in and out of network games.