Multiplayer don't seem to work, if use openlevel

Hello, newbie here. lol

I make a small demo project, multiplayer thirdplayer and it’s work fine if I click play and chose 3-4 players it’s fine, I see all of them.

I create another level, that I call ‘menu’ because I want the player enter it name and store it in gameinstance. I use open level to load the level2.

It’s work and it load the level2 but I don’t see other players, if I load the level2 directly in Unreal and click play I can see all the player. any clue ??? I make sure to start the server player first and all the client after.


upon a controller moving to a new map(by its self) it will disconect and host its self so will lose all info held on server.
you dont need to open a level you just need to open a widget with a text entry box and upon contents commit send that content (string/text cant remember) to the game instance .now this has to be done in the correct way as widgets are client side only. so i think you should send it to the player controller using a custom event that and then a second custom event sends it to the instance.

if you need to open a lvl for 1 player in mutiplayer but not other you need to stream it in or load an instance of it away from the players and then move them to its location.

the key is to get a good understanding of the replication systems and the basic server client model.

gl hope this helps

Ho, I see thank you… but in the case that I have a dongeon I probaly need to openlevel. it will do the same problem. There’s probaly a way to reconnect or transfert controller to another level?

once the player has left the server it is disconected. you need to not open lvls but use server travle or use one persistent level and stream in the sub levels

same issue ish if your moving everyone at the same time server travle may be a better solution

i go thru it in more detail here