While the site does mention a partnership with Microsoft to use Visual Studio 2015 with the Unreal Engine, this doesn’t include everything. When attempting to make games for Xbox One on UE4, you need to get the proper files, such as the SDKs, related to the Xbox One. These are needed to be able to launch to it, along with having Dev Mode activated. You’ll need to apply for their ID@Xbox program to have access to these files.
I have already joined the ID@XBOX program. How can I get authorised ASAP? We have test that we need to carry out today/this weekend for an upcoming event that we are aiming to take a PC/Xbox One version.
Are you waiting on being authorized for the ID@XBOX program or for access to console development with UE4? If it’s the latter, can you link me to the form that you used to apply for it? I want to ensure that you applied correctly.