Hi, I’m making a Spider-Man game. I’m tryna recreate this feature or ability to - “Zip to moving cars”. I have made a Zip to point system. In which the character freezes in air (on input) and then moves to the selected point and perches on the ledge. But how to do this with a moving car actor.
Hey @Frigon_Tech!
It seems that would really depend on how your location points work. Is it something that is attached to your ledge? Can you make a specific point tied to your vehicle blueprint or as a child of?
Of course without more context this would just be speculation. If we had more context I am sure the great community members here will definitely be able to help you solve your problem!
Ya, the player freezes in air and then he shoots web on the ledge and then plays a web-pull animation and start moving towards the point.
Actually the environment query finds the point or ledge and spawns an actor that shows the circle HUD on the point. This circle HUD indicates the location of zip-to-point location.