Motion Controller thumbstick input C++

Hi, I have been trying to get thumbstick input in C++ when you get the Thumbstick.Y within the blueprint you get a consistent floow of values, 0 for no input and anything else is an input(although 0 could be a valid input if the user has thumb right in the centre of the trackpad??)
The problem comes when I try to bind this input in C++ you get a additional value alternative calls to the bound function give you a value indicating if the Trackpad is pressed (0.0 for false, 1.0 for true) so if the user has his thumb on the trackpad you get the following read out


So you see every alternative value is 0.00 unless you click the trackpad then they turns to 1.0 this as you see will cause issues as I use the Value 0.00 to determine that the user has taken his thumb off the trackpad. I am using a blueprint to catch the input for this at the moment but was just wondering if anyone has come across this issue and found an alternative for C++.

Edit: using 4.12.5
