More points to a lerp

Well as the description says, i need to figure out how to add more over all points to a lerp. For example i need a lerp with data at x point i need a lerp at y point, i need one at z point, and any other points on the table that is available. Does lerp have the ability to add more points or do i need to make “some array of locations, changing your selection would make the hand lerp to the next location” Which was told to me by someone else. If thats how i do it, does anyone know how to set that up?

You may need to explain better what is needed. Lerp’s alpha is a 0-1 range. It’s pretty much an infinite number of points you can sample…

Does lerp have the ability to add more points or do i need to make “some array of locations, changing your selection would make the hand lerp to the next location”

It’s probably just this. Feed an alpha in a loop and get a result on the other end.

I need an array of some sort i think to develop a system for a cube that goes to different points based off where the player moves the controller.

I need an array of some sort i think to develop a system for a cube that goes to different points based off where the player moves the controller.

Not gonna lie. I don’t get it. But regarding the samples:

Perfect! Thanks