After I load a project in the editor, my computer screen goes black. This is not the same problem as the dual monitor issue previously reported. I am using a single monitor. Sometimes I see a mouse cursor in the middle of the screen although I cannot control it. Sometimes the screen is just all black. Either way my system is locked and I have to power off to get out of it. No other software causes this on my system. I have uninstalled the software, reinstalled it and have the same problems. I have tried versions 4.7.6 as well as 4.8.3 with the exact same results. I have tried creating various projects all with the same result. I am running an Intel Core i5 with Window 7 Pro. My graphics board is an AMD Radeon R7 200 series. Any help to resolve this is greatly appreciated.
Hi Mrasley,
Could you post your full Dxdiag (system specs)? It could be a combination of hardware or drivers.
Sure. Here they are in text
Do you have any other display devices plugged in (Oculus Rift, etc.)?
No, just a Dell Monitor.
I have the exact same AMD card in my system and I haven’t experienced this issue. Do you have any other software on your PC that makes any sort of changes to your graphics card (besides AMD Catalyst Control Center)?
No other graphics card software - just last night the same problem happened while I was in MS Word. This is the first experience outside of UE 4. I am working with my computer manufacturer to find a solution today.
Thanks for all your help!
You’re welcome.
Sounds good. Once you find a solution, if it is simple enough to explain here, please feel free to post it for other users that might run into the issue.
The company is sending me a new graphics board. We have determined that the issue has to be that the current board is failing since the problem is now happening outside Unreal Engine. We did reinstall the AMD drivers and replicated the problem. I will submit a last entry once I have the new board installed to be sure the loop is closed on this issue. Thanks for the help - it was good to hear from someone with the exact same board!