I think it would be a fun little project to try and get Quake style movement into UE4 similar to what someone else did in Unity (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2VsGbPk0zs) by copying most of bg_pmove.c (Quake-III-Arena/bg_pmove.c at master · id-Software/Quake-III-Arena · GitHub).
Now as far as I understand the Character class extends from the Pawn class but adds a bunch of movement features as well as some networking stuff for client side prediction and other fancy network things. Would I be able to modify the Character class in such a way to get the results I want while still getting the benefits of the extra networking functionality or would I have to extend from the Pawn class and write in all that networking stuff myself?
Just wondering if any people more familiar with the engine could lead me down the correct path to save me some time or tell me whether or not this is possible