Mobile game doesn't open level (UMG Menu)


so after countless of crashes my game finally loads up on mobile phones. The splash loads, UMG menu works just fine, whenever I want to play the first level however, the game crashes.
Now the script I use for opening levels is related to a save system (which works just fine when testing it on my PC).


Unreal Engine 4.10.4
Samsung Galaxy S5
UMG Menu
Load/Save system by Forsaken Glory:

The load level/save system is as follows:

In the menu it dynamically creates buttons that are tied to levels. This is tied to a save system. If there is no save file in place, it uses the basic Open Level node. Now obviously there is no save in place on the phone, so it should just use the open level node. Which doesn’t seem to work


You can try to add [AllMaps] and [AlwaysCookMaps] to your DefaultEditor.ini.

My DefaultEditor.ini looks like this:



This works for my ios game.

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Just a wild guess here, ‘remove all widgets’ perhaps causing the crash, since - even looking at the blueprint, I don’t even sure if there’s a widget already created somewhere else, or already added to viewport. Instead of using remove all widgets, choose the ‘created widget’ and do ‘remove from viewport’.

This worked!! Thanks

Tried both, no difference, but thanks anyway!