Mixamo Animation Pack

Is there any way to make it compatible with version 4.13 and higher?

It already is compatible, just click “Show all projects”, then pick the latest version (4.10) and you’re fine. Personally I didn’t like the characters so much (They are not so realistic i find), that is why i started making my own ones. You can find my Bikini Girl in the “Community content” section.

The Mixamo Skeletons are working with the UE4. But they aren’t compatible with the default UE4 skeleton.
This means you can use the models and animations from mixamo itself, but you can’t combine animations which are based on the default skeleton (Example animations, marketplace animations, etc.) with the mixamo skeleton / models.
You have to use the mixamo animations, or make your own animations.

Thank you.

It works great.

Can i change char’s clothes via ue4 or i need any other soft?

Well the pack was kinda advertisement for “mixamo”, a software to animate game characters. So in a nutshell: “No”. You could spend loads of money and buy a Mixamo account, but they stopped supporting UE4. If you need a foll proof tool to create characters you can shell out a few hundred bucks and buy solutions like “iClone”, “Poser” and so on.

A free alternative i use is “MakeHuman”. If you wanna create custom animations for free then “Blender” is the choice. there is the free " lab" plugin which is kinda “makehuman for blender”.

I just imported Makehuman characters and retargeted the default UE4 animations from the templates.

Professional animators will probably use “maya” or so. What you need depends on what you can spend (or download) and how much you wanna learn.

Yes i think you can. You have to export the naked player model as base player model, and attach the clothes models (or skeleton) to each bone.
Not exactly sure how it works, but there is a way.