Minor bug reports and Inaccuracies (BP)

I have a fresh project I’ve been working on from the 4.7.3 update, this never happened to me before in 4.7.2 or previous that I can recall.

You’ll see in the following picture here [http://i.imgur.com/aWraEvk.png][1] that I am categorizing a function. A few things. First of all it says “The category of the VARIABLE, editing this will place the VARIABLE into another…” its the exact same text from var categorys. No big deal. Whats no so apparent, is that I made a catagory with square brackets in it called Core Vars [Dynamic]… for my variables and it wants to allow me to put a function into it. Again no big deal but imagine if I had dozens and dozens of categorys for functions and dozens and dozens for variables, that time can add up.

Now the really weird part, is the first time I made that variable category I accidently named it “Core Vars [ Dynamic]” but when I changed it to remove the accidental space after the opening square bracket, it never got removed even though its not in use and doesnt exist anywhere except in the drop down list.

Another small thing you cant see because its hidden by the tooltip I showed is I can place my function into the category “Buoyancy Vars” which you can see in my variable list: is a variable categroy and not a function category.

Lastly I dont know if this is intended or not but my collapsed graphs inside the Dive() function called “Crash Dive Nodes” and “Regular Dive nodes” seem to be in the “Dive category” or a “child of dive function” however as you can see the Dive() function is under default. Even if I move the Dive() function to a new category they still stay there so it defeats the purpose of collapsing nodes sortve… it makes the graph cleaner… but it makes the function outliner messier which is the worse of the two IMHO.

I’m scared to catagorize anything anymore because I know I’ll have to re-produce the blueprint node for node once all these things start to add up. This is already a re-write of my original ship movement script which had dozens of catagorys and a two dozen functions and about 50-75 variables in about a dozen catagories. Never had any problems (cant say about the colllapsed nodes bit I’ve only started doing that once I’m confident a section of blueprint is future proof) but never ran into these problems of unused catagories not getting deleted and putting functions into variable catagories (and I beleive vise versa).

Youll also notice I have a catagory thats simple blank. null. nan. Nothing.

Any input would be great.

Attached is the same picture linked above.

Hey Nsomnia,

Thank you for your post regarding the issues you’re having with 4.7.3. I have investigated your thread thoroughly within 4.7.4 and 4.8 and I have not been able to replicate this issue. It looks like it’s since been fixed. Have you tried updating your editor to 4.7.4? It’s available within the launcher for download.

If you’re still experiencing these issues once you’ve updated to 4.7.4, I would ask that you upload a video of you reproducing the issue, so that I can make sure I’ve followed the same exact steps as you for a solid repro for our developers.


Will make a post if I experience the issues in 4.7.4 when I update and eventual 4.8, no time to compile it right now.

Thank you you can close this. Just minor things.

You’re very welcome Nsomnia. Feel free to comment back on this thread if this issue pops up again!
