Issue :
MeshComponent->SetMaterial(0, Material),
where MeshComponent is a UDynamicMeshComponent*,
causes my frames to go from a stable 120 fps to 40. Commenting this fixes all issues. It does not matter whether I am generating UV’s, tangents or normal’s and can’t find any useful information when profiling.
It does not matter whether Material is a UMaterial*, UMaterialInstance*, UMaterialInsntaceDynamic*, etc. Or if its null or not.
MeshComponent->SetMaterial(0, nullptr) causes the exact same issue
Code :
//Making a FDynamicMesh3
Mesh = MakeUnique<FDynamicMesh3>();
//Positions and UV's
for (int32 x = 0; x <= Size; x++)
for (int32 y = 0; y <= Size; y++)
float z = FMath::PerlinNoise2D(FVector2D(x * NoiseScale, y * NoiseScale));
int32 VertexID = Mesh->AppendVertex(FVector3d(x * ScaleFactor, y * ScaleFactor, z * HeightScale));
Mesh->SetVertexUV(VertexID, FVector2f(x, y));
for (int32 x = 0; x < Size; x++)
for (int32 y = 0; y < Size; y++)
int32 topLeft = x * (Size + 1) + y;
int32 topRight = topLeft + 1;
int32 bottomLeft = (x + 1) * (Size + 1) + y;
int32 bottomRight = bottomLeft + 1;
Mesh->AppendTriangle(topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft);
Mesh->AppendTriangle(bottomLeft, topRight, bottomRight);
//Mesh Creation
CopyVertexUVsToOverlay(*Mesh, *Mesh->Attributes()->PrimaryUV());
MeshComponent->SetMaterial(0, Material);
//I initialize MeshComponent in the consctructor
MeshComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<UDynamicMeshComponent>(TEXT("CustomMeshComponent"));
MeshComponent->AttachToComponent(GetRootComponent(), FAttachmentTransformRules::KeepRelativeTransform);