Major - Imported assets do not respect No Collision setting

Issue: Assets set to have no collision still block bullets.

To Reproduce: Import an asset, set its collision to NoCollision. Shoot at it.



Note: we are using these as beacons to guide the player. They should allow the player to shoot through them to eliminate creatures/players.

Hi there, we’re having trouble getting a repro here. Is it all assets you import?

Did a bit of digging. Turns out this mesh was created in UE with the modeling tool. That is my bad, I forgot we created them in engine.

That said we have a dome that also that is behaving in the same manner. Said dome is half a quad-sphere.

Could you do the following so we can look into it?

In Content Browser, right click the asset, show in explorer, copy the .uasset file and send it over to me?

Of course, here ya go.
S_beacon.uasset (24.4 KB)

Me again! Could you export as an FBX file? Right click on the asset in the content browser, choose Asset Actions and then Export. (Sorry if you already knew that!)

I did, but it’s good to have it in here just in case someone finds this post later. :slight_smile:
S_beacon.FBX (37.9 KB)

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Thank you!

Found that because of the different settings in the Static Mesh Editor of the Asset, and the collision settings of the Actor in the level cause the issue.

By setting the collision settings of the actor in the level to match the setting in the Static Mesh Edirot the issue has been resolved. See image below.