Traditionally I’ve been using Unity with GIT/SourceTree and never really had any issues to speak of. Didn’t really bother with LFS either. Now after doing some digging into Unreal I am seeing that things are pretty profoundly different in this environment. I am using much bigger assets here (basically working with valley of the ancient scene for now) and going back & forth between the main coder and myself (tech artist essentially) has been pretty one-way, to this point. (He makes changes, I grab his code and merge to mine, but he never grabs any of my stuff since - I commit things locally but haven’t pushed to server yet since all the files are so mega-huge!)
At this point it looks like I should just setup GIT LFS but already it is gigs & gigs of data from those assets, due to the nature of our project (silo’d project, non-game, for a client to do some internal work with) I am not sure how best to proceed. It doesn’t seem like LFS is gonna be a “magic bullet” and might introduce other potential issues… maybe we could get setup on P4 but there’s a whole rabbit hole to go down with figuring out that pipeline as well (neither of us have any kind of this experience setting up multi-user project versioning). I am tempted to say screw it, for now, and just back up locally and find a kludgier method to send stuff back and forth and not waste time getting into testing and researching all these different methods while the clock is ticking and my workload of “actual work” is getting backed up, but I also don’t wanna start incurring gnarly tech-debt here.
Is there an “easy way” to just use GIT for and ignore all UASSETS and UMAPS and just pass that stuff up/down on Dropbox, or is that going to create mountains of headaches? Am I being too neurotic about just signing up for GIT LFS and worrying that the costs could start ballooning/other problems could arise from this method? Sorry for the giant wall of text, I am kind of at my wit’s end with this issue and just wanted to see if there were any other informed opinions on the matter.