Looking for a teacher (Networking, Blueprints, Code refactoring)

Hello guys,
I’m a 17 year old student from Austria. English is not my native language so I’m saying sorry for mistakes beforehand.

I’m currently attending a higher technical college for programing and programed in unity for about a year. Now i tried UE. I made some simple things and i want to improve. I have read the docs but some things are still unclear.
I don’t want to post serveral threads about my questions so i decided to ask for someone who got some spare time to help me out.
I have questions about networking, “coding conventions”, and how stuff is generally done when using Blueprints, like communication between them. Moreover i would like to refactor and understand some code i got from the Unreal Marketplace.
If someone can spare me a moment i would be pleased.
Thanks in advance.