LoD Error on Metahuman now freezes everytime I try to save baked LOD

Hello I recently tried to add a meta human to my project with the purpose of putting new albedo, normals, and cavity on a meta human I made in metahuman creator. Before I added these new textures I went into the BP of the MH and forced LoD to 1 BUT I saved and forgot to compile ( I think this may be the issue). Now none of the base color/normal/cavity maps will take on my textures unless I disable texture streaming in the texture. This creates a problem when I go to save the Baked file and it is stuck at 0% for a very long time and becomes unresponsive. Can anyone help me with this? Also LoD’s 2-5 are now all greyed out. This is also happening for ALL of my new meta humans. I tried creating another. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I would hate to have made some mistake by not compiling and now this project will live with this error until I find a solution.

I fixed this error by completely deleting the metahuman file in my project and reinstalling a new meta human.

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