Limit to check in changes?


Is there any size limit or amount of new assets limit to check-in?, I tried to check in some assets I migrated from UE5 to UEFN and I can’t check-in the changes, knowing if there is a limit would be helpful.


Hello! I studied the rules immediately after they were released, but did not come across such a restriction clause.

Perhaps you are trying to transfer some very complex and complex assets that UEFN cannot process correctly.

As a variant, UEFN is not yet perfect and some kind of hidden error is possible when transferring and registering new assets.

It is also possible that you have already exceeded the recommended value limit of 100,000 units. according to the indicator…

In addition, the volume of a project created using UEFN must not exceed 2 GB. I have never reached the limit, but you may have.

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Thanks for the info!,

So what I ended up doing was rollback all the changes (Removing all the models I had) and uploading them on batches, every batch from around 80 - 110 added materials, textures and meshes, in that way it didn’t gave me any problems.

Thanks again!

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