Hi everyone. I’m making an archviz scene in Unreal. Because of the nature of the scene, I’m using high quality shadows, but since when I “sliced” the walls into multiple meshes to have more defined shadows, the lighting build crashes around 9%. Before that, it always got to completion.
I have the swarm agent log but I can’t understand what the problem might be. I do not see a fatal error or a clue about what might be causing the problem. Maybe someone with more experience can help? Thanks in advance!:
16:51:23: Starting up SwarmAgent ...
16:51:23: ... registering SwarmAgent with remoting service
16:51:23: ... registering SwarmAgent network channels
16:51:23: ... initializing SwarmAgent
16:51:23: ......... certificate check has failed
16:51:23: ...... initializing cache
16:51:23: ......... using cache folder 'C:/Users/Riccardo/AppData/Local/UnrealEngine/4.15/Saved/Swarm\SwarmCache'
16:51:23: ......... recreating SwarmAgent cache staging area
16:51:23: ...... initializing connection to SwarmCoordinator
16:51:23: ......... using SwarmCoordinator on RENDER-01
16:51:25: ......... SwarmCoordinator failed to be initialized
16:51:25: ...... initializing local performance monitoring subsystem
16:51:27: ... initialization successful, SwarmAgent now running
16:51:27: [Interface:TryOpenConnection] Local connection established
16:51:28: [Job] Accepted Job B4F2E27B-4F648159-BCD47BBF-ADBAF9FD
16:51:30: [Job] Launched Job UnrealLightmass_2017-06-12_11-52-44_1063360-64bit.exe
16:51:30: [Job] PID is 9892
16:51:30: [Job] GUID is "B4F2E27B-4F648159-BCD47BBF-ADBAF9FD"
16:51:30: LogLightmass:Display: Lightmass Win64 started on: RICCARDO-PC. Command-line: B4F2E27B4F648159BCD47BBFADBAF9FD
16:51:30: Failed to determine engine directory: Defaulting to ../../../Engine/
16:51:30: Lightmass Win64 started on: RICCARDO-PC. Command-line: B4F2E27B4F648159BCD47BBFADBAF9FD
16:51:30: LogLightmass:Display: Processing scene GUID: B4F2E27B4F648159BCD47BBFADBAF9FD with 14 threads
16:51:30: Processing scene GUID: B4F2E27B4F648159BCD47BBFADBAF9FD with 14 threads
16:51:30: Building static lighting...
16:51:30: [OpenConnection] Registering TCP channel ...
16:51:30: [OpenConnection] Connecting to agent ...
16:51:30: [TryOpenConnection] Testing the Agent
16:51:30: [TryOpenConnection] Opening Connection to Agent
16:51:30: [TryOpenConnection] Local Process ID is 9892
16:51:30: [Job] Found a parent connection for PID 9892
16:51:30: [Job] 7A45C6D8 -> 3D2A6C50
16:51:30: [Interface:TryOpenConnection] Local connection established
16:51:38: Measured CPU frequency: 2.39 GHz
16:51:38: FStaticLightingSystem started using GKDOPMaxTrisPerLeaf: 4
16:51:38: Number of texture mappings: 302
16:51:38: Number of fluid mappings: 0
16:51:38: Number of landscape mappings: 0
16:51:38: Number of BSP mappings: 0
16:51:38: Number of static mesh instance mappings: 302
16:51:41: Scene surface area calculated at 31.264 million units (103.536% of the estimated 30.196 million units)
16:51:41: Importance volume surface area calculated at 31.264 million units (0.000% of the estimated 0.000 million units)
16:51:42: Collision Mesh Overview:
16:51:42: Num Triangles : 4395269
16:51:42: MeshInfos : 0.0Mb
16:51:42: UVs : 28.4Mb
16:51:42: LightmapUVs : 28.4Mb
16:51:42: Embree Used Memory : 310.8Mb
16:51:42: Processing...
16:51:42: Couldn't gather the requested number of indirect photon paths! 0 gathered
16:51:42: EmitDirectPhotons complete, 0.000 million photons emitted in 0.1 seconds
16:51:42: EmitIndirectPhotons complete, 0.000 million photons emitted in 0.1 seconds
16:51:42: Marking Irradiance Photons complete, 0.000 million photons marked in 0.1 seconds
17:45:12: Caching Irradiance Photons complete, 8.286 million cache samples in 3209.1 seconds
17:45:12: Calculate Irradiance Photons complete, 0.000 million irradiance calculations in 0.1 seconds
21:46:32: LogMemory:Warning: MemoryStats:
21:46:33: AvailablePhysical 1112813568
21:46:34: AvailableVirtual 8752491679744
21:46:34: UsedPhysical 9364561920
21:46:34: PeakUsedPhysical 22346379264
21:46:34: UsedVirtual 43006177280
21:46:34: PeakUsedVirtual 43025096704
21:46:34: Windows GetLastError: Operazione completata. (0)
21:46:46: LogWindows:Warning: CreateProc failed (2) ../../../Engine/Binaries/Win64/CrashReportClient.exe
"C:/Users/Riccardo/AppData/Local/UnrealEngine/4.15/Saved/Swarm/Engine/Programs/UnrealLightmass/Saved/Logs/_0000" -AppName=UE4-UnrealLightmass
-CrashGUID=_0000 -DebugSymbols=..\..\..\Engine\Intermediate\Symbols
21:46:46: CreateProc failed (2) ../../../Engine/Binaries/Win64/CrashReportClient.exe
"C:/Users/Riccardo/AppData/Local/UnrealEngine/4.15/Saved/Swarm/Engine/Programs/UnrealLightmass/Saved/Logs/_0000" -AppName=UE4-UnrealLightmass
-CrashGUID=_0000 -DebugSymbols=..\..\..\Engine\Intermediate\Symbols
21:46:46: Could not start CrashReportClient.exe
21:46:46: Platform Memory Stats for Windows
21:46:46: Process Physical Memory: 8937.57 MB used, 21311.17 MB peak
21:46:46: Process Virtual Memory: 41015.87 MB used, 41031.93 MB peak
21:46:46: Physical Memory: 23504.00 MB used, 1055.21 MB free, 24559.22 MB total
21:46:46: Virtual Memory: 41591.55 MB used, 1055.21 MB free, 8388608.00 MB total
21:46:48: [MaintainConnections] Detected dropped local connection, cleaning up (3D2A6C50)
21:46:49: [CloseConnection] Closing connection 3D2A6C50 using handle 3D2A6C50
21:46:49: [CloseConnection] Connection confirmed for disconnection 3D2A6C50
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [Job] Job has failed! The task failure count is non-zero
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:51: [UpdateTaskState]: Task Killed locally by RICCARDO-PC, counted as failure
21:46:52: [CloseConnection] Connection disconnected 3D2A6C50
21:46:52: [GetMessage] Safely returning to 3D2A6C50 with no message
21:46:52: [MaintainConnections] Local connection has closed (3D2A6C50)
21:46:52: [MaintainConnections] Removed connection 3D2A6C50
21:47:09: [CloseConnection] Closing connection 7A45C6D8 using handle 7A45C6D8
21:47:09: [CloseConnection] Connection confirmed for disconnection 7A45C6D8
21:47:09: [CloseConnection] Closing orphaned Job (B4F2E27B-4F648159-BCD47BBF-ADBAF9FD)
21:47:10: [MaintainConnections] Connection 7A45C6D8 is DISCONNECTING
21:47:10: [MaintainConnections] Connection 7A45C6D8 is DISCONNECTING
21:47:11: [MaintainConnections] Connection 7A45C6D8 is DISCONNECTING
21:47:11: [MaintainConnections] Connection 7A45C6D8 is DISCONNECTING
21:47:12: [MaintainConnections] Connection 7A45C6D8 is DISCONNECTING
21:47:12: [MaintainConnections] Connection 7A45C6D8 is DISCONNECTING
21:47:13: [MaintainConnections] Connection 7A45C6D8 is DISCONNECTING
21:47:13: [MaintainConnections] Connection 7A45C6D8 is DISCONNECTING
21:47:14: [MaintainConnections] Connection 7A45C6D8 is DISCONNECTING
21:47:14: [MaintainConnections] Connection 7A45C6D8 is DISCONNECTING
21:47:15: [MaintainConnections] Connection 7A45C6D8 is DISCONNECTING
21:47:15: [MaintainConnections] Connection 7A45C6D8 is DISCONNECTING
21:47:16: [MaintainConnections] Connection 7A45C6D8 is DISCONNECTING
21:47:16: [MaintainConnections] Connection 7A45C6D8 is DISCONNECTING
21:47:17: [MaintainConnections] Connection 7A45C6D8 is DISCONNECTING
21:47:17: [MaintainConnections] Connection 7A45C6D8 is DISCONNECTING
21:47:18: [MaintainConnections] Connection 7A45C6D8 is DISCONNECTING
21:47:18: [MaintainConnections] Connection 7A45C6D8 is DISCONNECTING
21:47:19: [MaintainConnections] Connection 7A45C6D8 is DISCONNECTING
21:47:19: [MaintainConnections] Connection 7A45C6D8 is DISCONNECTING
21:47:20: [MaintainConnections] Connection 7A45C6D8 is DISCONNECTING
21:47:20: [MaintainConnections] Connection 7A45C6D8 is DISCONNECTING
21:47:21: [MaintainConnections] Connection 7A45C6D8 is DISCONNECTING
21:47:21: [MaintainConnections] Connection 7A45C6D8 is DISCONNECTING
21:47:21: [CloseConnection] Connection disconnected 7A45C6D8
21:47:21: [GetMessage] Safely returning to 7A45C6D8 with no message
21:47:22: [MaintainConnections] Local connection has closed (7A45C6D8)
21:47:22: [MaintainConnections] Removed connection 7A45C6D8
21:47:22: [MaintainConnections] All connections have closed