

Old name/logo.

After five years of working on and off on the game, it is finally available at Steam! The Early Access client features a starting zone and all the features one can expect from an RPG. In the coming months the development focus will shift to adding content and to shape existing systems.

You can read about the latest patch here.

Congratulations on your release, as well as all the work put in over the years. You should be proud!

Thank you Sam, yes I am! It was at times a very difficult experience, often stuck with problems, but I went through this and today it feels great to see only a couple of minor warnings in the log, the game runs okay, and it is live, available at the store :slight_smile: And hopefully soon also at EPIC Store! Though, the game is now in a state when I can fully bring my attention to adding more content and unravel the lore, which is kind of new to gaming, since it involves also climate change in a fantasy world, where sea level rise also drives the struggles, motives, and conflict.

Perhaps you can help me. The last couple of days I spent migrating from Gamesparks to EOS. The hall time I was working under the assumption that users can at least login to EOS, on my side this just works fine. Yet, my customers cannot login. I am getting refunds now, people cannot play the game. Someone told me my EOS app needs to have Brand Review so that others can login.

It would be really great if this review could be initiated now, or if you can point me into the right direction who to ask. Thanks.

Now Live: Beta Patch 0.1.4
Read the patch notes for the beta client 0.1.4. Steam :: EPICA :: Now Live: Beta Patch 0.1.4

Hey Unit23,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

I wanted to let you know that we passed things along to the team that handles EOS and those systems- It has been unblocked, and your app approved. So you should be all good to go, but please don’t hesitate to ping the team or me if you have any other issues or questions! :slight_smile:

Beta client released


  • Game manual
  • Credits screen

Lots of updates, including for the ranger class, check it out Steam :: EPICA :: Beta Client

Beta client 0.1.9 Release

  • Combat updates
  • Quest updates

Not sure exactly why it took so long but there is now a minimap in the game! Perhaps because, when I grew up I have fond memories of playing Dungeon Master, and The Fairy Tale Adventure, and keeping track of the dungeon with pencil and a paper sheet!

[FONT=Comic Sans MS] adds the Minimap

Happy New Year Everybody! 2021 the year of Epica!

There is now a major update, Beta 1.1 - changing the player perspective, making it more diablo-like, and setting up the game-world accordingly. This was done in order to improve development goals, since 3rd person and open world requires much more work.

There is now also a new player character default model, and many new gear items. Read the full patch notes Released EPICA 1.1 Beta Client – LEGENDS of EPICA

The game was also renamed to just Epica, instead of Legends of Epica. Because I found out that there are literally dozens of games which start with Legends of. I also feel the new short naming better encapsulates the game essence.

Epica Patch 3.0.3