Hello everyone, I was hoping to get an opinion from the more experienced members of this community if I could. I am a fourth year student studying for my bachelors in game design, I am also a very frequent live streamer on Twitch.tv. While I have never touched Unreal Engine 4, I spent years mapping on Source and also took a class on Unreal Engine 3 in the past and had a lot of fun playing with both sets of tools.
I have been thinking over the past couple of days how much fun it might be to map for fun on my livestream. To be clear, I’m not implicating that I want to start designing a full game that I plan to release as a finished project and stream it along the way. I just want to make a map here or there and see of my viewers are interested in giving it a watch (as I am sure they would). This may very well be a stupid question, but does anyone know if streaming something like that is against any kind of rules or laws?
I have a very slim understanding on how UE4 is going to work, so if this is clearly stated somewhere I apologize for this thread.