Launching Car off Ramp stops mid air and falls

I am trying to make car physics for my game, and it pretty much all works out (the base). But, when I make my car fly of the ramp, it goes for a quarter of a second and loses all forward momentum, and just falls. I Do not know how to solve this. I tried messing with linear and angular damping, but none of that helped (tried both positives and negatives). I tried increasing/decreasing gravity, but that did not work either. I want my vehicles to fly forward more when ever they are driving at speeds and/or are launched. It is almost like the vehicle is acting like a balloon, and floating , I guess? But all the on-ground movements have been pretty perfect so far.

from what I know about your setup, it could be virtually anything. mind sharing a video of the problem? how did you setup the vehicle?

Try setting linear damping to 0
assuming your vehicle is physics based anyway?
If not, then we’ll need more info

I went full idiot on this one. Sorry. At the time, I did not fully understand my scripts I got from youtube (which by now, are entirely re-engineered from my tinkering for more perfection of what I wanted- and for better performance), and I found 2 stray nodes that locked both linear and angular damping. They were on a component I did not realize would have had an effect on my vehicle (the vehicle runs using a suspension like system with 4 components that were all duplicates placed in the wheel spots- that applied force based on the distance to the ground).